Waiariki Park Region.

Waiariki Park Region is an initiative to help people take small steps toward improving nature and themselves. We designed an inclusive brand and digital experience from the ground up, creating a content strategy aimed at showcasing natural gems of the rohe, sharing ideas and gently educating people on how they can help create a better future for generations to come.



Technical build: Salt & Tonic





Brand development

User experience design

Web design

Creative direction

Content strategy

Project management


Collaborative sessions with local iwi and community representatives showed that we needed to focus on positive environmental impact and enable connections. This became our collective focus. We aimed to ensure all people in our region could see and be inspired by people like them, making a difference. When we work together, many small acts combined create a big impact.


Our collective aim was to create a safe and positive place for people to see how they can take steps toward to healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. The design system and language gives users a positive and inclusive spin on our environment and how we can be good to it and ourselves.



This unique approach to personal and community improvement has not only created a great resource for the people of Waiariki, but also inspired other regions and cities to start similar initiatives. Through the development of this platform, we have enabled Envirohub to secure further funding, ensuring they’re able to grow and promote the offerings.